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9 Best Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Solar Sales

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The solar industry is in continuous growth and competition is getting harder and harder, therefore the threat of new comers to the solar industry is real. From large and well financed national firms to small start-ups, competition is getting harder and harder every year. One way to overcome the competition is by preparing a good sales strategy.

Customers and getting more and more eco-friendly, and the sales process becomes increasingly difficult. Therefore, solar salesmen are required to have more and more technical and environmental knowledge.

The article provides the most powerful strategies for solar marketing.

1. Conveying the Economies of Going Solar

The most convincing strategy to convince customers is the economic argument, which means explaining with simplicity and in a very clear way the cost savings of substituting the solar energy be it thermal or photovoltaic for fossil energy. In this point, one should discuss the return on investment of going solar and its long-term benefits.

2. Conveying the Disadvantages of Fluctuating Fuel Costs

Fuel price is mainly affected by volatile crude oil prices that tend to increase in the summer. The volatility creates fluctuations in the long term and it comes with expenses. The higher the volatility the riskier it gets to rely on fuel.

3. The Ecological Motivation

Being eco-friendly is often a secondary motivation. But even so, it is important to dig a little deeper into how motivated the prospect is by being eco-friendly and find out to what extent they struggle with a little guilt about contributing to emissions and global warming.

4. Be More Knowledgeable About the Solar Industry

Salesmen can easily articulate the cost-saving benefits of solar with intelligence, but they sometimes struggle with more questions of curious customers. It is essential to know the solar industry thoroughly, and this includes being aware of the trends, technical developments, and the regulatory environment.

5. Brand differentiation

Where things get a bit trickier is when they have to tell customers why their firm is better than the solar provider down the street. How do they dispel the perception that "all solar is the same?". Thus, it's necessary to know the strengths and weaknesses of your competition, as well as those of your own company.

6. Word-of-Mouth referrals

Especially from customers. Word-of-mouth is a powerful concept. We tend to take advice from those who have earned our trust through networking. This strategy is effective because it helps businesses gain customer trust, establish social proof and remain at the top of customers’ minds.

7. Investing in lead-gen websites

When investing in popular lead-gen websites specializing in solar, like Grid Freedom and CleanTechnica, be sure to assess the investment against the cost of customer acquisition. If you go this route, be sure to give it enough time to produce measurable results, 3 – 6 months minimum.

8. Co-marketing with complementary businesses

Co-marketing is about sharing audiences and resources between two complementary brands to execute a campaign that neither one could do as effectively alone. Consider co-marketing with complementary businesses, as well as sponsorships of community events, sports teams, schools, etc.

9. Humor and entertainment

Studies show that making someone laugh will capture their attention and improve memory (brand awareness in your case). It's okay to be funny and use appropriate humor in your marketing. Humor adds a lot of great qualities to your marketing strategy.

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